Floyd Hutson Lead Pastor I was born and raised in Wright County. I graduated from Mansfield in 1992 and immediately entered the workforce. I work full time at L&R Industries based out of Cabool. Next to my family I consider my workplace my greatest ministry/mission field. I have been married to my bride, Melinda, since February 15th, 2003. We have two amazing young men, Travis and Brighton. We have been a part of the CSBC family since 2007. Melinda and I were both baptized in October of 2007 and joined in commitment of membership to this body of believers. On September 3rd of 2017, I surrendered to His call into ministry after several years of running from it. My heart is to help men own their responsibility of spiritual leadership in their families, teaching/preaching of God’s Holy Word and disciple making.
Mike Warneke Administrative Pastor My name is Mike Warneke and I am the founder and Executive Director for Fields of Dreams Uganda, a non-profit organization working to provide hope to the orphaned and vulnerable children of Uganda through the vehicles of soccer and education. I have lived all over the US, but I now happily reside here in Cabool with my most gracious wife Abby, an elementary teacher who also serves as the director of our Children's Ministry. We have three goofy and wonderful boys, Gideon (18), Abel (15) and Solomon (13). We welcome any and all of you that may be seeking to be fully known and fully loved by God.
Nate Christeson, Ed.D. Student Pastor Hi, my name is Nate Christeson and I serve along with my wonderful wife as the Student Pastor of our youth ministry at CSBC. As a bi-vocational member of the staff, I also work as the Director of Communications & District Assistant Principal for the Cabool R-IV School District. I joined CSBC in 2016 and I'm thankful to be part of such a great fellowship of believers. We have two sons! Crew is three years old and Carter was born in March of 2024! We hope to see you and your family soon at CSBC!
Wally Darter Eddy Noll Scott Stillwell Glen Walls Jimmie Brennan Joe Ben Whetstine Jonathon Whetstine Adam Howe Trent Jones Brett Rawlings